Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"The Thing"

Now "The Thing" in question is the good old artifact in Mourkain Temple. I get into a game and first thing I notice is the carrier is sitting by our spawn doing nothing. Now some people believe that turtling is a viable strategy in this scenario. This is a misconception brought to you by our friends at Blizzard. Just because we have "The Thing" doesn't mean we are going to win. Destruction had double our points. If you have "The Thing" please try to make some attempt at killing some guys. Yes you have DoT on you that sucks, but you also have a damage buff and when you kill guys with it we get more points. In order for this strategy to really work well I suggest at least 2 healers on the holder to keep them killing a lot longer.

Now we lost said game and afterwards I was awarded nasty tells. That's right the guy #2 on your healing is the lynch pin in our loss. I am not saying this is the end all be all strategy for murderball, but damn does it work really well. So next time you are out on a scenario and someone provides a strategy, don't flame them, it just makes you look like a close minded jerk.


Twinmfg said...

Howdy, from a fellow Red Eye Mountaineer. My main is Samsomite, an IB; my wife, Shebaely, is a RP. We are part of the Redeemed guild. I just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd introduce myself. Maybe we'll run into each other at some point.

Don't sweat the tells from noobs who don't know how to play. The damage tick for holding The Thing gets progressively bigger. Eventually, you're going to die from it.

My wife and I are rank 24, so we're in T3. T3 has a similar scenario called Tor Anroc. This one has paths around pools of lava. Even better, most players have knockback abilities. :) You can imagine what that means. I was holding The Thing last night and it was ticking for 3300 dmg! I only survived two ticks even, with a couple healers.

Twinmfg said...

Sheesh, now I have to make another post because my wife has been using this blogger ID. How do I know? That's her pic, not mine. :/

Oh, well. She's better to look at than I am, so it's all good.

drkliter said...

I hope to see you on the field of battle. Thanks for the comments :)